Rates are headed north, but other factors - such as organisational mandates and sustainability - need to be considered, say top investment executives from HSBC Life and the Indonesian Investment Authority.
Interest in sustainable investments has not waned during the pandemic, but investors will need to find the right balance between returns and ESG values.
Also called orange bonds, this relatively new class of sustainable financing aims to remove gender bias and improve women’s equality and living standards in developing countries.
The appetite of institutional investors for green, social, and sustainable bonds that bring clear environmental and socio-economic benefits shows no sign of waning.
Singapore’s financial regulator and central bank is ramping up its drive to become a sustainable investment hub and has chosen the recipients of new mandates in this area.
The Swiss private bank opens its first branch outside of Switzerland, which is more proof – if you needed it – that the growth story for wealth management is in Asia.
Sustainable and socially responsible investing is set to continue its strong growth, according to Switzerland's Bank Sarasin and German industrial group Siemens.
The Swiss private bank now requires clients to æopt outÆ if they donÆt want their portfolio run along sustainable-investment lines; performance in the sustainable portfolio is deemed superior.