Hong Kong’s Mandatory Provident Fund scheme gets three more investment options; Korea's National Pension Service reportedly has two frontrunners to head its investment operations; new report says asset owners around the world are passively invested in companies that might be involved in Uyghur Muslims repression in China’s Xinjiang region; and more.
The current share of investments from Denmark’s largest commercial pension fund does not match the growth potential of the region, according to its real estate head.
Having already linked up with Korea's Poba, Denmark’s largest commercial pension fund wants more regional tie-ups for big-ticket real estate deals in both Asia and Europe.
The move is part of an asset owner partnership strategy to help Poba increase its direct investments, and it offers the pension fund a good strategic overlap.
Institutional investors from Hong Kong, Japan and Thailand say they do not plan to boost their mainland exposure, as another MSCI decision on A-shares looms.
We continue to reveal why AsianInvestor's Institutional Excellence Awards were handed out this year. Today: the winners in the market categories of Hong Kong and Japan.
Japan's $112 billion Pension Fund Association has appointed UK firm Hermes EOS to help implement its stewardship activities, reflecting a push towards responsible ownership across Asia.
The CIO at Japan's Pension Fund Association discloses his fears about over-reliance on standard deviation as a measure of risk at an AsianInvestor forum.
The managing director of the $110 billion public fund has his Gordon Gecko moment, urging fellow investors to not despair during the credit crisis, while warning that pension fundsÆ survival is in question.