Despite high expectations for a finance super-highway as part of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, some say the connect schemes are faltering.
A new PwC report reveals that Chinese family businesses are setting up an increasing number of family offices in the region as they seek to raise investment returns.
New corporate fund structures in Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore aim to make these domiciles more attractive to asset managers and investors. In part two of this mini-series, we examine whether asset managers should include them in their fund manufacturing and distribution strategies.
In competition with schemes such as UCITS, the development of corporate fund structures in Asia Pacific is providing more options for asset managers to domicile funds. We break down what the new structures mean.
The authorities' reliance on the police to stamp out protests instead of negotiating is inciting greater violence from both sides. It could cause China to erode the city's high autonomy.
The masks ban using colonial-era legislation further damages Hong Kong's democratic credentials. With no end to the turmoil in sight, the city's financial status continues to weaken.
The HKMA warns that the global investment environment will become more challenging in the second half of the year, after posting an investment loss of HK$7.7 billion in the last quarter.
John Leung, the new insurance regulator's chief, leaves in late June. Its soon-to-be-announced new head will need to add staff and promote Hong Kong as an insurance hub.
With China's authorities cleaning charlatans out of onshore private funds, genuine players are seeking offshore support and foreigners want in, we report in our second story on the sector.
The number of international fund managers using the Shanghai-Hong Kong trading link has risen significantly in the past year, despite the turmoil in Chinese equity markets.
Winning an Institutional Excellence Award for HK/Taiwan, Cathay Life received praise from our judges for being global in its thinking and ambition and for embracing regulatory change.