The US’s tariffs on Chinese goods could eventually cause Beijing to reverse its liberalisation policies for US insurers and fund houses.
Tag : business strategy
Other topics covered by a survey of delegates at AsianInvestor’s latest COO Forum included outsourcing trends, MiFID II, regional passporting schemes, and alternatives investing.

The chief operating officers of some of the region's leading fund houses gather in Singapore for AsianInvestor's forum.

Challenges of big data and tech-empowered regulators require better processes, improved skill sets, and greater alignment, AsianInvestor’s 2nd Chief Operating Officer Forum heard.

AsianInvestor asks Musheer Ahmed, interim general manager of the FinTech Association of Hong Kong, for his assessment of the cyber risk facing asset owners.

Consolidation will continue in the funds industry amid rising cost pressures, with mid-sized firms feeling the tightest squeeze, says Ulrich Koerner, president of UBS Asset Management.

The likes of China's CIC, New Zealand Super and Australia's Future Fund see cyber risks as a key threat. Some of their peers, however, are wary of discussing the problem.

Rich female investors in the region invest differently than their male counterparts, including making comfort investing in funds and insurance products, say wealth experts.

Product governance rules under Mifid II are likely to affect the operations of Asian product producers, but most firms remain unprepared for the changes to come, say experts.

With China's equity markets now harder to ingore than ever before, foreign investors are having to grapple with how to access them.

In partnership with AXA Investment Managers
AXA IM says senior loans and collateralised loan obligations are emerging as fresh alternatives for institutional investors looking to counter rising interest rates.

In partnership with State Street Global Advisors
A sell-off in emerging markets at the end of last year has reversed – and long-term economic factors are driving the change, according to Matthew Arnold of State Street Global Advisors.