Pedro Bastos will relocate to Hong Kong next month to fill the CEO and regional roles vacated by Joanna Munro, who will move to London to take up a newly created global position.
The Brazilian fund house plans to replicate its Japan distribution model elsewhere in the region and foresees demand for its long-only and private equity products.
The firm’s asset management arm in India has launched a Brazil equity fund to tap growing demand for diversification; it is also considering other offshore funds.
Higher income expectations, healthy savings and rising aspirations will fuel consumer spending in 2011, according to a new Credit Suisse survey of seven emerging markets.
The first and only conference in Asia to focus exclusively on Brazil's investment opportunities, this event was held at the Conrad Hotel in Hong Kong on November 30 and December 1, 2010. More than 180 delegates attended.
Institutional investors are needed to bridge the gap between Chinese contractors’ preference for government-supported borrowing and Brazil’s project finance needs.
That will be a boon to the series of new Brazil and Latin America funds, but investors should be wary of Chilean and Colombian stocks, says the Dutch asset manager.
JP Morgan Asset Management's Richard Titherington discusses why Brazil and Russia are attractive and why their price-to-earnings and price-to-book ratios are lower than in China and India.