Hong Kong's Hospital Authority Provident Fund and conglomerate Jardine Matheson discuss how they are positioning their fixed income portfolios in light of expectations of interest rate rises.
Electronic trading is getting a boost from the take-up of integrated platforms used for cross-asset transactions, which have soared in popularity in the past year or so.
A secular shift in demand and supply constraints sees commodities fund manager James Govan of Barings take a positive view on the sector, despite the global equity meltdown.
Higher income expectations, healthy savings and rising aspirations will fuel consumer spending in 2011, according to a new Credit Suisse survey of seven emerging markets.
Eng Seat Moey, DBS's head of asset-backed structured products, talks about the unique combination offered by investing in S-Reits – stable income and attractive growth.
GIC, Singapore's biggest sovereign wealth fund, says it has recovered half of last year's losses and indicates increasing allocation to alternative investments.