Five years after the sovereign wealth fund announced a nine-year timeline to grow its assets by more than A$67 billion. Despite achieving this goal ahead of schedule, the target has moved.
The Canadian and Korean asset management operations of two life insurers have agreed to jointly take advantage of rising institutional investor demand for Asian alternative assets.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Investors expect every step in the fund transaction processing lifecycle to be robust and transparent. But is this possible?
Tighter cross-border rules, less arbitrary national government policy and improving returns at home are likely to prompt rich investors from emerging markets to move assets back onshore.
A survey of Asian institutional investors by Greenwich Associates shows they're diversifying their portfolios as asset sizes grow, AsianInvestor's recent investment summit heard.
The last decade has seen Brazil grow fastest followed by Australia, while the only positive allocation in the past 15 years has been to alternatives, finds a Towers Watson study.