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Holding Gold: From crisis response to long-term returns

Long considered a safe-haven in troubling times, gold can provide liquidity and protection in risk-off scenarios - especially during systemic events affecting multiple regions and industries. It also provides a cost-effective hedging function compared to other options. Yet investors often still have reservations when it comes to adding or increasing gold exposure in their portfolios.
Holding Gold: From crisis response to long-term returns

In a conversation with AsianInvestor editor Richard Morrow, Jaspar Crawley from the World Gold Council addresses such concerns, and answers common questions such as:

What is the best way for asset owners to understand the mechanics of gold valuation?

What are some of the benefits of holding gold in times of volatility?

Is there an optimal percentage for gold in a portfolio?

How does gold play a part in long-term return goals?

Watch the full video interview below:

Learn more at our upcoming webinar on November 17th, "Going for gold: Allocation strategies amid uncertainty" - register here

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