CitiÆs Chan replaces InvescoÆs MaJame DiBiasioMay 31, 2004Mabel Chan will now run retail sales management for Invesco.
Deutsche replaces Indian corporate finance headNick FergusonFeb 11, 2004Indian investment banking team to be headed by Sanjay Agarwal.
Weber replaces Hall at CSFBSteven IrvineNov 2, 2003After Julian Hall''s departure, CSFB brings Max Weber from Tokyo to replace him.
Bergadaa replaces Dry at BNPSteven IrvineMay 9, 2003A new deputy CEO appointed, while Dry will leave to pursue personal goals.
White replaces Wong at Merrill Feb 5, 2002Spencer White takes over from Dio Wong as head of equity strategy for the ex-Japan Asia region.
Zavatti replaces Tillman as FIG bossSteven IrvineJan 17, 2002ABN AMRO appoints former Hong Kong-based, Samuel Zavatti as its new global head of FIG.