China has reportedly reopened the two schemes. This could mean Ucits funds are close to Bond Connect approval and that QDII is set to return, says Andy Seaman of Stratton Street.
Programmes including mutual recognition, Asean CIS, QFII, RQFII and Stock Connect appear to have fallen in favour, while ARFP, QDII, QDLP and QDIE have gained popularity.
Shenzhen is believed to have handed out licences – but only $1 billion in extra quota – to another 30 fund houses under its QDIE cross-border alternative investment scheme.
The world’s largest asset manager has won a licence and quota for Shanghai's alternatives investment programme. The move comes as China's rival cross-border schemes aggressively grow their business.
Shanghai included China Investment Fund Management in its cross-border alternatives investment scheme, a further expansion that also creates rivalry among local cities.
China’s rapid pace of liberalisation over the past six months surprised market observers, a forum hears. However, they do not expect the channels for foreign investment to merge at a similar speed.
The city plans to raise permits for its cross-border investment scheme to 15 this year as competition intensifies with Shanghai and Qingdao, which offer similar programmes.
Five foreign fund managers have been given $100 million quotas under Shanghai's alternatives investment scheme. The new QDLP batch is more diverse and includes real estate managers and funds of hedge funds.
A total of four firms have now won approval under Shenzhen's qualified domestic investment enterprise scheme, under which local asset managers can sell overseas alternative funds.
The body for alternative investment education has expanded into China with the launch of a chapter, as it sees an increasing need for information about the asset class as demand continues to rise.
Under a new scheme in Shenzhen, a subsidiary of China Southern Asset Management is the first to get a permit to sell an alternative investment product to its wealthy clients onshore.