Mega players Nippon Life and Dai-ichi Life are looking for opportunities in higher-yield single-A US corporate bonds, which offer more appealing yields than stagnant domestic offerings.
Two asset owners - one from Korea and the other from the Philippines - describe how overseas and alternative assets are the best hedge against inflation and rate fears.
The island's life insurers are expected to sell more foreign-currency insurance policies and further lift their overseas investments when a government proposal is implemented.
Chinese HNW and insurance investors are temporarily holding back on offshore investments, but will likely ratchet up again in the future. This poses challenges for wealth and asset managers.
The Bureau of Labor Funds is not satisfied with BNY Mellon's performance on behalf of the National Pension Insurance Fund's overseas portfolio, says a source familiar with the matter.
Taiwan's $115 billion state pension manager is considering how to raise its foreign smart-beta exposure and will review its emerging-market allocation this year after taking losses on EM debt.
Investors and advisers at AsianInvestor’s 2nd annual China Global Investment Forum debate the approach institutions should take to accessing international markets.