The US fund house has applied for a renminbi qualified foreign institutional investor licence and is talking up its parent's China joint venture, despite difficulties encountered by other mainland JVs.
The Swiss pure private bank is weighing up the best way to enter China but says it is in no rush, even though it sees now as the best opportunity for international firms.
Claude Haberer, Asia wealth management head, sees Pictet's new HKMA banking licence as a key step towards regional expansion and talks about his hiring, distribution and advisory plans.
She aims to double the North Asia team in five years, with initial sights set on a Greater China head, now that the Swiss firm has booking-centre status in Hong Kong.
Moving ahead with its plan to build a pan-European mobile phone network, Hong Kong conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa has teamed up with Investor AB to bid for a 3G licence in Sweden.