The founder of research house Asianomics says a technology-driven boom in service industries in Asian emerging markets have made these countries more self-sufficient and less reliant on the West.
Experts at an AsianInvestor forum voice wildly differing views on the drivers of global economics and whether the US Federal Reserve will raise rates next year.
Commentators tell a research summit that Shinzo Abe’s revival package is too small to make a difference to the country’s unsustainable debt problem. Worse, it could spark market panic.
Emerging markets will suffer most from stimulus spending by the US and elsewhere, and China’s money supply is even greater than America's, says the founder of Asianomics.
Jim Walker of Asianomics argues that, due to the euro’s troubles, the renminbi is actually going to weaken against the dollar in the short term, in a last-ditch effort to sustain Chinese economic growth.