The Financial Services Commission says it will approve a licence for an online funds supermarket as soon as possible, to be fully operational by March. The aim is to cut costs and create a competitive distribution landscape.
Fresh from receiving a licence to trade equities and derivatives in Korea and more than doubling its local headcount in the past year, Société Générale is eyeing strong expansion.
The Financial Services Commission is confident of growth after moving to lower entry barriers and improving training and education to underpin an industry already expanding at a fast clip.
Some market participants say the regulator should have waited for greater calm amid eurozone fears, but brokerages planning hedge fund launches are happy.
A capital law revision by the Financial Services Commission, which it says will foster a domestic hedge fund sector, could be launched as early as the end of this year.
Cho In-kang of the Financial Services Commission says the government wants institutional investors to play a bigger role in growing Korea’s capital markets.