As the Public Service Pension Fund (PSPF) starts designing its defined contribution scheme, all eyes are on whether more reforms will flow through Taiwan’s public pension fund industry, especially after the new administration takes office.
Taiwan’s Public Service Pension Fund will be overhauled with new members to be enrolled in a defined-contribution scheme rather than the current defined-benefit. Other restructuring measures have also been adopted.
Fund managers are pushing for Rodrigo Duterte's new government to set up a defined contribution scheme, but others are not convinced about such a move.
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan's new $1 billion defined benefit scheme is moving to a more aggressive investment allocation in equities as it seeks to raise its returns.
Defined benefit pension plans in Japan are handing more money to fund houses to manage. It comes after GPIF increased active equity exposure, creating winners and losers.
The consultancy has appointed Alan Oates as leader of its retirement risk and finance business in the territory. He will also advise multinational clients around Asia.