Willis Towers Watson's Asia investment research head is wary of using Chinese fund houses for obtaining mainland exposure, but some asset owners disagree.
Asia’s increasingly cash-rich but yield-starved insurance firms are casting an envious eye over US fixed income markets, where income returns are on the rise.
The lure of illiquid investments is fading for some institutions in Asia, especially those – such as insurance firms – that moved later into such assets, say industry observers.
With allocations to private markets steadily rising, executives at insurance firms worry that the illiquidity premium of such assets may be being eroded.
Insurers should be able to allocate assets more quickly, especially given current levels of uncertainty, heard AsianInvestor’s insurance forum yesterday.
In this video clip, the firm’s regional investment director Jeffrey Tan talks about the importance of building internal capabilities and his approach to private equity.
In this video clip, regional investment director Jeffrey Tan reveals his thoughts on reputational and counterparty risk and the price of real hard assets.
In this video clip, regional investment director Jeffrey Tan discusses Ageas’ rising appetite for alternatives, including what it is looking for and what it is trying to achieve.
Asia-based risk managers at three European insurers have outlined where their firms need help from banks and fund houses. Greater regulatory harmonisation is also on the wish list.