The list of the top pension fund executives in Asia was curated after speaking to pension fund experts, asset managers, investment consultants and extensive editorial research. We will reveal two names each day, starting tomorrow.
The CIO of the $234 billion US pension fund told AsianInvestor how much it could save by insourcing more investments. But building the requisite team may not be easy.
Two recent surveys reveal how investors are looking increasingly to riskier assets around the world and illiquid areas, notable real estate, as they seek higher returns.
The head of wealth management products at Beijing-based CreditEase discusses portfolio recommendations for 2018 and how the company builds relationships with clients.
With $15 billion under management, the Chinese group's wealth management arm employs a rigorous screening process to pick managers, with a focus on alternative investments.
AsianInvestor asks Musheer Ahmed, interim general manager of the FinTech Association of Hong Kong, for his assessment of the cyber risk facing asset owners.
The likes of China's CIC, New Zealand Super and Australia's Future Fund see cyber risks as a key threat. Some of their peers, however, are wary of discussing the problem.
We are identifying 20 outstanding executives who are driving the region's pension funds forward. Today, we feature leaders from Australia's Hostplus and Japan's Secom.
We are identifying 20 outstanding executives who are driving the region's pension funds forward. Today, we feature leaders from Japan's GPIF and Malaysia's Kwap.