
Minted hedgies party for charity

Rice will hold its Hong Kong November fundraiser at a swanky new venue, M1NT.
Rice (Returns Invested in Children and Education), a charity that aims to raise money from the alternative-investment community in Asia, is to hold its Christmas party at the preternaturally vogueish Hong Kong nightclub M1NT on Wednesday 29th November.

Emulating charitable campaigns pioneered by alternatives philanthropists elsewhere in the world which have raised multi-millions, RiceÆs initial projects include the re-building of schools in tsunami and quake-hit areas, together with supporting and sponsoring orphaned kids through school.

ôRiceÆs investment and fund raising committees include Nancy Liu from Doric Capital, Peter Fletcher, Peter Douglas, Christophe Lee of SHK, George Long of LIM, and a bunch of others,ö says Kate Colchester of Eurekahedge. ôWeÆre focusing on helping all Asian countries, by donating directly to local charities,ö

Christmas is traditionally a time for giving, and tickets are $500 each. All profits are going to a good cause and Rice charity officials donate a lot of their time pro-deo. However for any Ebeneezer Scrooges out there, given the amount of stellar alternatives networking available at this party, one might be able to get away with sticking it on the expense account.

For tickets contact or on 65 6212 0907, or Kirby Daly at Fimat.

M1NT is located next door to the Man Mo Temple on Hollywood Road, and as this author walks past M1NT on the way home every day, it's pretty clear from its posh chandelier and aura of cool that entry for suits at the velvet rope would be unlikely at other times.

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