Institutional Excellence Awards: category winners

AsianInvestor today announces the second set of recipients of its third annual Institutional Excellence Awards, designed to recognise both best practice and improving standards among asset owners across Asia Pacific.
Today's set of awards reveal the winning organisations by category or type. Recipients in this category are recognised for excellence among regional peers of a comparable nature. Differences in institutional set-up and objectives can vary widely even within these narrow categories, and measuring progress can take a matter of months, a year, or several years.
The winners are as follows:
Sovereign wealth fund
Future Fund (Australia)
Reserves manager
To be announced on the night of the AsianInvestor awards dinner
Insurance company
Pension fund
Bureau of Labor Funds
To be announced on the night of the AsianInvestor awards dinner
The awards seek to emphasise excellence and improvement, rather than solely trying to identify which organisations are 'the best' or have 'the best performance'. Such labels are almost impossible to quantify in a region with asset owners as diverse as diverse as Asia Pacific, and fail to consider the long-term objectives that most of these investors must consider.
In some cases the awards recognise incremental improvements in a given market. In other cases they are meant to highlight best-in-class organisations at a regional or global level. Our focus particularly emphasised fund governance, the internal capabilities of the asset owner, and its ability to adapt to long-term changes in market return expectations.
All award recipients will be invited to attend our Institutional Excellence Awards black-tie dinner on Wednesday, November 30 at the Ritz-Carlton Millenia in Singapore. This will run in conjunction with our two-day annual Southeast Asia Institutional Investment Forum at the same venue.
Complete write-ups explaining our decisions and profiling these institutions will appear online in the coming weeks, and will be presented in the December print edition of AsianInvestor.
For details on attending our Institutional Excellence Awards dinner, please contact AsianInvestor's commercial director, Terry Rayner, at or +852 3175 1963.
For more information about the institutional investment conference, please contact AsianInvestor's head of conferences, Alastair Hills, at or +852 3175 1986.