Getting it right in Europe: Making it work for your investors

Distributing into Europe is multifaceted.
Watch Northern Trust’s fund distribution experts share their perspectives on the following to help Asia-based managers who are looking to distribute into Europe:
- What are the key considerations while structuring a fund?
- What fee options should a manager include?
- Which currencies does a manager need?
Europe offers plenty of opportunities for fund managers globally, but it is critical for new entrants to be strategic.
To achieve the necessary scale, focus the initial strategy on simplicity and cost efficiency. Decisions around how and where to structure funds; building successful sales and branding approaches; accessing distribution channels; investing in local relationships; navigating an increasingly complicated regulatory landscape; and working with the right partners to understand the landscape and develop a sound strategy are all key.
Collaborating with partners is key
Providers that are party to a European fund should have excellent technical expertise and a global model to enable a cross-border distribution strategy, tailored to the needs of the manager and their investors.
The administrator in particular should be able to facilitate market access via fund registration services, local agent provision, introductions to local participants and operational connectivity to distribution platforms.
Developing a European presence may present challenges, but it is also tremendously rewarding for managers who get it right.
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