
Editorial Board Spotlight: Candid Q&A with Deepali Khanna

We showcase the vice president of the Asia regional office at The Rockefeller Foundation and a member of AsianInvestor's Editorial Advisory Board. In a wide-ranging interview, Khanna talks about what motivates her and the most unconventional advice she ever received.
Editorial Board Spotlight: Candid Q&A with Deepali Khanna

Deepali Khanna is The Rockefeller Foundation’s chief representative in Asia.

Based in Thailand, Khanna -- who joined the foundation in 2015 -- leads the efforts of the Asia Regional Office team to build and sustain networks with different institutions and leverage financing and collaboration.

Deepali Khanna
The Rockefeller Foundation

She is a regular speaker at regional platforms such as AVPN, Philanthropy Asia Summit, and World Sustainable Development Summit among others.

In this two-part series, AsianInvestor speaks to Khanna to discover more about the woman behind the title.

What does a typical morning look like for you? Do you have any rituals?

A typical morning for me starts with reviewing my priorities and schedule while enjoying a cup of tea.

This quiet, reflective time ensures I begin my day focused and ready to tackle the challenges ahead.

What is your biggest motivation for your job?

My biggest motivation is the opportunity to create lasting, positive change in the lives of people in vulnerable communities.

Knowing that my work can help mitigate climate impacts and promote sustainable development keeps me driven and passionate every day.

At the same time, working with talented colleagues and our partners at The Rockefeller Foundation supercharges that motivation.

Who would you consider your role model (either in your personal or professional life) and why?

I consider young people my role models. Their passion, innovation, and unwavering commitment to addressing climate change and other pressing development issues inspire me every day.

They remind me of the power of youth-driven movements and the incredible potential we have to create a better, more sustainable future together.

What's the most unconventional piece of advice you've ever received that actually worked?

The most unconventional piece of advice I received was to "embrace failure as a stepping stone to success."

Instead of fearing failure, I learned to view it as an opportunity for growth and learning.

This mindset shift has allowed me to take bold risks, innovate, and ultimately achieve greater impact in my work.

What do you think is needed to be successful in any role in your view?

To become successful in any role, you need a combination of passion, resilience, and empathy. Passion drives you to work towards your goals with enthusiasm, resilience helps you overcome challenges and setbacks, and empathy allows you to connect with others and understand their needs, fostering collaboration and impactful change.

If you could have lunch with any historical figure, who would it be and what would you ask them?

I would love to have lunch with John D. Rockefeller.

John D Rockefeller

I would ask him about his vision for philanthropy and how he balanced his business acumen with his desire to create lasting social impact.

His insights on strategic giving and building institutions that drive positive change would be incredibly valuable for shaping our current efforts in the development sector.

What's the most important lesson you've learned from a mentor in your career?

The most important lesson I've learned from a mentor is the power of active listening.

By truly hearing and understanding the perspectives and needs of those we aim to serve, we can develop more effective and impactful solutions.

This lesson has guided me to prioritize empathy and collaboration in all my work.

What advice would you give to someone considering a career shift into the foundations/catalytic capital industry?

My advice would be to approach the shift with a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability.

Spend time visiting the field to understand the real-world challenges and opportunities firsthand.

Network with professionals in the sector, seek mentorship, and stay informed about innovative financing models and impact measurement.

Most importantly, be driven by a genuine passion for creating positive social change.


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