
CSAM hires Watson consultant

Peter Ryan-Kane fills a new role to spearhead product development for Credit Suisse in non-Japan Asia.
Credit Suisse Asset Management has hired Peter Ryan-Kane to fill a new role as head of product development and management for non-Japan Asia. Ryan-Kane began his new job this week in Hong Kong and reports to Alex Abadie, global head of product development and management in London.

He joins from Watson Wyatt, where he had served as senior consultant for the past year and a half. This marks a return to the funds management industry, as he had worked for eight years at Invesco in London, ultimately as CIO of global fixed income, before moving to Hong Kong to join Watson Wyatt. The consultancy is looking to hire more hands to replace Ryan-Kane and continue growing its business in Asia.

ôI enjoyed my work in consulting and would consider going back,ö Ryan-Kane says. ôI wouldnÆt have left it for any run-of-the-mill asset manager.ö What appealed in CSAM was a strong reputation and franchise that was only beginning to expand in Asia.

In particular, he wants to take advantage of Groupe Credit SuisseÆs decision to leverage its expertise in investment banking and private banking to provide structured products and other investment solutions to CSAM clients. He will be packaging alternative investments, traditional discretionary account products and funds from CSAMÆs range of Luxembourg-domiciled products for Asian prospects.

Ryan-KaneÆs role will be to bring Credit SuisseÆs expertise, honed in Europe, to Asian institutions and other clients, as well as to work on investment capabilities with CSAMÆs new joint-venture partners in the region, which include Industrial & Commercial Bank of China and Woori Bank.

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