Asset Management Awards: Asia's top fund houses unveiled

AsianInvestor turns the spotlight on Fund House of the Year for the fourth batch of awards announcements.
This is a highly anticipated category and we saw a healthy dose of competition among the various fund houses aiming to be Asia’s best.
Congratulations to all the winners!
As we did with other categories, we will announce the winners for some hotly contested awards on May 18, when we host a gala dinner for all the Asset Management Award winners at the Ritz Carlton in Hong Kong.
Fierce competition in some categories also prompted our judging panel and editorial/awards team to pick a winner and a finalist, as deciding on the ultimate winner came down to a neck-and-neck race.
AsianInvestor would like to say a big thank you to all contestants.
We would also like to extend our gratitude to this year's judging panel for their invaluable insights.
To see the winners of the Asset Service Awards, click here.
To see the winners of the ESG Excellence Awards, click here.
To see the winners of the Asset Class Awards, click here.
Tomorrow, we will announce the final batch of winners – the Marquee Awards.