Asset Management Awards 2023: ESG Excellence winners

AsianInvestor is delighted to announce the second batch of winners of the the Asset Management Awards 2023.
Today, we reveal the results of the ESG Excellence awards.
The competition in many of our categories was fierce and we had more than one pitch that was a strong contender for award winner.
So this year, we decided to announce some tightly contested awards on May 18, when we host a gala dinner for all the Asset Management Award winners at the Ritz Carlton in Hong Kong.
One of these is the Award for Best Environmental Investment Strategy Adviser -- today, we announce the two candidates that made the shortlist.
The ultimate winner will be announced at the gala dinner, so stay tuned.
For the Best Impact Investment Adviser award, competition was also tight and while the judging panel and editorial/awards team utimately decided on a winner, we showcase another finalist that impressed us almost as much.
AsianInvestor would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all the contestants.
We would also like to extend our gratitude to this year's judging panel for their invaluable insights.
To see the winners of the Asset Service Awards, click here.
Tomorrow, we will announce the award winners by asset class, which is a collaborative effort with Mercer.