Asset Management Awards 2023: Deadline approaching

The deadline for AsianInvestor’s Asset Management Awards 2023 is approaching quickly.
Entry submissions close on March 10, so please enter your nominations now.
We invite investment managers and asset service providers to pitch, using an online nomination process.
We have an awards website that includes a full online submission form, which you can find here.
Entries must be submitted online only.
This year’s awards will be selected by a panel of judges who are drawn from asset owners, consultants, and industry experts from across the Asia Pacific.
The judges will choose the winners from short-lists of the finalists prepared by the editorial team.
To check the list of our judges, click here.
For our awards categories, check this link.
Key Dates
Entry deadline: 10 March 2023, 6pm Hong Kong time
Winners announcement: 11-14 April 2023
All entries should be related to achievements only between January 1 2022 to December 31 2022.
If you face any issues with the submission platform, please contact the Awards Team at [email protected].
Good luck with the pitches!